It’s an activity that allows a more informal and alternative participation of the symposium with the city and its young architects, as well as offering the young architectural studios the opportunity of presenting themselves.

1 AACT - www.aactlab.com

Avd. Francesc Cambo 14, 9ºA
2 Estudio Patricia Meneses - www.ex-studio.net – www.patriciameneses.com
Carrer Sant Pere Més Baix 63, Pral. 1A
3 Vora Arquitectura www.vora-arquitectura.cat
Carrer Sant Pere Més Alt 63, Entl.
4 Miel Arquitectos www.mielarquitectos.com
Ronda Sant Pere 47, Pral. 1A
5 dataAE http://dataae.blogspot.com
Bailèn 28, 2.1



Commissioner. Gianfranco La Cognata. Architect